Training or capacity development for client personnel covers both technical and non-technical subjects.
The Company deploys conventional training method such as class room face to face training or technology enhanced training such as online classroom or simulator.
The Company develops training need matrix, training modules and lesson plans for the following topics for both the in-house or public courses.
Safety and Risk
Occupational Health & Hygiene
Social Accountability
Trade or Skill based training
Operation Improvement
The Company provides leadership coaching and mentoring for supervisor and company men via a program or system based coaching. Among the coaching and mentoring program are as follows:
Safety Leadership
Incident Free Culture
Behaviour Based Safety
Front line Supervisor Leadership
Certification and accreditation of client business activities in line with the prevailing standards both locally and internationally.
Among the standards are International Organization for Standardization (ISO), International Maritime Organization (IMO), International Labour Organization (ILO), Trade based international conventions and framework such as International Conventions on Hazardous Material, Social Accountability & Fair Labor Scheme, Tripartite Framework, and Green Building Scheme.
The Company provides the certification support as follows.
Pre-certification Support
Readiness Gap Analysis
Process Review & Audit
In maritime and offshore sector, the Company provides maritime survey and certification support for marine vessels (FSO, FPSO, barges, etc) based on the standards from Ship Classification Society (ABS, CCS, etc) as follows.
Habitability Survey
Hygiene and Sanitation Survey
Water Quality and Food Hygiene Survey
Hazardous Substance Survey
Safety System Review
Critical Personnel Competence Assessment